Supplier Drop In | 25 January 20204
Click here to register for the 30 minute update at 1pm Thursday 25 January 2024.
Invoice processing and payments: As mentioned above, we’re making good progress with unblocking invoices and processing payments for clusters of stores. In early 2024, once we are through the current backlog, we’ll be assigning a contact person for suppliers to work with to resolve invoicing/payment issues.
PDF invoices: Email your PDF invoices (once) to accounts.pdf@mitre10.co.nz. Please don’t email the same invoice several times as that causes issues at our end.
Export invoices from Mitre 10 Connect: To download your invoice information to Excel, click on the three bars at the top left of the portal, and select export formatted data option.
Payment dates: Note that Mitre 10 Connect portal does not show the payment dates but the pending payment status, and invoices will be picked up in the next payment run if not blocked. We have moved to paying on invoice date not payment date.
Remittance advice: The remittance advice is emailed in PDF format and not available on Mitre 10 Connect, however we are looking into ways to improve the format and reconciliation process. Please check your junk or spam filters for the email remittance if you haven’t received it. It is sent from m10accountshelp@mitre10.co.nz with the subject line Payment Advice Note from [date].
Rebates, claims and other terms of trade: We know there are queries around the rebates and other terms of trade items that need to be clarified and resolved. We’ll turn to these in January when we have made more headway on the invoice backlog and have more capacity to focus on these issues. To clarify the credit claims process: Stores raise credit claims for faulty products or returns. Finance raises credit claims for invoice discrepancies. These are communicated by email at the moment.
Blocked invoices and line-by-line three-way matching: A number of blocked invoices are due to the new line-by-line three-way matching process and we’re working on a tolerance framework to resolve them, for example when the invoice is blocked when there is a 1 cent difference.
Mitre 10 Connect portal: In early 2024 we’ll hold a refresher webinar on Mitre 10 Connect, demonstrating how to use the features and functions. Look out for registration links in January.
Support queries: We acknowledge that there have been delays with queries sent to m10accountshelp@mitre10.co.nz, and we’ve arranged extra resources to triage and tackle this backlog on a daily basis.
Where can we access stock on hand and sales reporting?
Existing stock on hand and sales reporting will available until suppliernet is decommissioned. After this, SOH and sales reporting is available through IIS (International Information Services). Free weekly reporting is available from IIS (total Mitre 10 SOH). For store specific reporting contact deanedwards@iiservices.co.nz to discuss costs.
Will the October payment report remittance be on the old system (Suppliernet) or the new system (Mitre 10 Connect)? Invoices processed and sent prior to 26 September will have the payment report on Suppliernet, and for invoices after 26 September will be on Mitre 10 Connect. You can find the payment report under the Reports tab.
What is the process for credit notes and returns?
The process for credit notes and returns has not changed, except for stock not received or shortages, which will be handled by the support centre shared services team and the 3-way matching process. Where stock is damaged, faulty, requiring replacement or needing to be returned, the store will raise a credit claim.
What is the process for damaged freight?
The process for damaged freight has not changed either. Stores will continue to send credit claims for transit damage or faulty products.
Watch this video to learn how 3-way matching between purchase orders, goods receipts and invoices will operate at Mitre 10
Need help? Email us: m10accountshelp@mitre10.co.nz